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 Article by: Abel O. O

Installing a blogger template on your blogger blog is very easy. gooyaabitemplates.com gives you thousands of free blogger templates for renovating your blog. Yes! We giving new look for a blogger blog. This tutorial shows you how to install/upload a new blogger template. We cover two types of installing method with step by step guidance.

Method-1: Uploading .xml file. Your existing widgets will keep on blogger and you need to remove manually on this method

Method-2: Copy and Paste coding. Completely replaced all coding. (If you have an error when uploading template using method-1, then try method-2)

First, we going to method-1 which is uploading .xml file.

Step 1: Downloading Blogger Template.

Browse blogger templates in our most popular categories like Responsive, SEO Ready, Magazine, SimpleClean, Portfolio and Fashion. (You can Live Preview our every template to know how your blog look like after uploading the template.) After the browsing, click Download button on your desired template and the template file will directly downloaded and stored in your computer hard drive.

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